November 2023 All Leveler of the Month, Nicole B!

Our Windsor, Ontario CrossFit athlete of the month.
November 1, 2023
November 2023 All Leveler of the Month, Nicole B!

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? What got you started?

I’ve been doing CrossFit for a little over 3 years. My husband Ozi and I wanted to find a sport we could do together. He started a few months earlier and after we moved to a new city, I started. It took me a while to start enjoying it, but he kept pushing me and now I like it more than he does.

2. What aspect of our core values of authentic, driven, and inclusive do you relate to the most? Why?

Driven. Working hard, with commitment and consistency makes us capable of achieving a lot, not only in the gym, but in life. I also greatly value and am inspired by the dedication and work ethics of the coaches and the entire All Level team.

3. What do you most look forward to when you come to the gym?

I look forward to meeting with people and having a fun workout.

4. What is your favorite memory at All Level CrossFit?

I don't have a single favorite memory. Being at All Level almost every day makes me happy, and I am very grateful for the friendly welcome I have received since the first day. Being able to perform new movements, hit a PR or see your friends do it, is always memorable too.

5. What goals have you set for yourself in CrossFit that you’ve successfully achieved? What are your current goals?

I started training during the pandemic, without much interaction with other athletes or coaches, so at that time I was happy to just show up and be consistent. Some movements have always come more natural to me after 20 years of dancing (bodyweight movements in general, toes to bar, pull ups, rope climb, burpees). Others like weightlifting were a challenge from the beginning (I remember when snatching the empty training bar was tough). Now I feel more motivated to learn and improve pretty much on everything. My current goals are bar muscle ups (I've got 7 now and who's counting?), handstand walk, chest to bar, increasing weights and improving weightlifting technique.

6. What advice do you have for someone who’s on the fence about starting CrossFit?

You'll never know if you like it if you don't try! It may seem intimidating at first, but with time and consistency you will see great improvement. Soon you will also realize that the best thing about CrossFit is the Community and the new friends you make.  

7. How has your experience at All Level CrossFit improved your life outside of the gym?

It has given me more confidence to believe in myself and encouragement to always try to improve. Additionally, working from home made me realize how important contact and socializing with other people is for me. Going to the gym at the end of the day and seeing my friends gives me something to look forward to every day.  

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