All Leveler for Nov 2021--Branko B!

All Level CrossFit
July 20, 2022
All Leveler for Nov 2021--Branko B!
  1. What got you started in CrossFit? How did you hear about it?
    In October of 2018 I decided i needed to get back to my “dating weight” and improve my fitness level. I started with morning runs and bodyweight movements at the park next door. During the Winter months this plan lost it’s appeal and I was not interested in joining a big “corporate” gym . My friend Jay “Hendo” Henderson informed me that he had a “golden ticket pass that I could use at his "Crossfit" gym. I gladly used the pass because the idea of running in the early AM in the snow I knew would eventually kill my motivation. I figured I would use the pass for the month and then just bail because this whole Crossfit cult is just for crazy people but for the month of January at least it has to be warmer than outside. After the pass ran out I convinced myself to stick it out and enjoy the indoor workout facility until the weather breaks. Well more than 2 years have passed and I’m pretty sure the weather has broke. Now I’m a guy who fights the urge to correct people who refer to All Levels as a “gym” and not a “box”. I’m not certain when I drank to Kool-Aid, I'm not sure if I like it yet but I keep drinking it.

2. What is your favourite part about coming to the gym?
I love how EVERYONE at the box supports one another to get better and fitter. It is amazing how infectious it is to witnessing someone next to you crush a WOD and how that can drive you to push harder and fight longer that you imagined you ever could.

3. What is your favourite CrossFit movement? Least favourite?
Elbow rotations because I have poor mobility. My favorite? I enjoy working on my mobility (elbow rotations in particular) because I can definitely tell that I am more mobile then I was when I started.

4. What are your goals in CrossFit?
My current goal is to finish the Spartan Beast (21K) race on Oct 23rd without having to walk and not failing any of the obstacles. I would have never even considered entering such an event if it wasn't for the great coaching staff at All Levels Fitness that helped make this a possibility.

5. How do you explain your newfound obsession with CrossFit?
The new programming that John Mack has implemented at the gym is just amazing. By body and mind are reacting positively to the new cardio / strength and gymnastic training that is being applied daily.

6. What advice do you have for someone who is thinking of trying CrossFit?
Don't do it!! Because two years later you will be asking yourself "Why am I still doing this?" Sure you will be a stronger, faster, mentally tougher person that happens to be in the best shape of their lives but is that worth all the time you spend doing the new thing that you love to get there? Imagine having to put up with people complementing you about how much healthier and happier you seem since the last time they saw you. You would then have to launch into a whole passionate conversation about how much you love all Levels, how great everyone is and how much it has changed your life…blah blah blah.

No one wants to be that guy.

If, on the other hand, becoming the best possible version of yourself is something that interests you for some reason I do have this Kool-Aid you could try!

7. What does CrossFit mean to you?
Crossfit feels like my home away from home and my family outside of my family.

8. How has CrossFit helped you improve your life outside of the gym?
I feel Crossfit has helped strengthen me mentally more than physically and that is saying something because I am certainly WAY stronger physically than I used to be.

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